Verjari Cheryl, or the road to perfect Boyo

Today is my birthday, and I’m turning 26. A horrible age, as for the first time, I feel I’m not a youngster any more. 26… up to 39… So time to become adult, responsible and finally learn to cook. As a good house wife, I wanted to treat my friends and colleagues on Surinamese treats on this special day. Especially, I wanted to make them some home made boyo. A tart, made of Cassave (Tapioca).

It all started 3 months ago, when I did my first tryout. It was a miserable failure. I kept to the boyo recipe of my cook book, but it seemed to have misprinted the amount of sugar required. My cake tasted like a healthy muesli bar from the biological shop. Not quite a birthday cake. It was so horrible I actually threw it away.

The second try, a few weeks later, I intended to add 3 times more sugar, but by miscalculation probably added 6 times more sugar. It tasted more like something we call boterkoek (butter-cake). Incredably sweet. But edible, so my colleagues got their first taste. They loved it of course, since it was really sweet…

So, third try, last weekend. And this time the result was perfect! a beautiful cake. The right color, the right texture, the right taste. And my colleagues loved it.

So here’s the recipe for perfect boyo:

  • 1 kg of grated cassave (available frozen from the toko)
  • a cup of grated coconut, or coconut milk
  • 250 gr brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • vanilla essence
  • almond essence
  • 1.5 dl mlik
  • 100 gr. raisins (soaked in rum)
  • 1 tea spoon of cinamon
  • some salt
  • 50 gr. butter
  • Bake for 60 to 90 minutes at 175 to 200 degrees C in a preheated oven.
    If your cake is still a bit moist, no worries! Boyo is supposed to be like that!

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